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Why MBR Membrane is the Future of Wastewater Treatment

Why MBR Membrane is the Future of Wastewater Treatment

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Last Updated on July 24, 2022 by Kevin Chen

There are many different wastewater treatment systems available on the market today. Membrane bioreactor (MBR) is one type of system that is becoming increasingly popular due to its many benefits.

Why MBR Membrane is the Future of Wastewater Treatment II
MBR Membrane Application

What is MBR Membrane and How does it work?

MBR membrane is a type of membrane technology used in water and wastewater treatment. It is a type of MBR system that uses an activated sludge process to treat wastewater. The key difference between conventional activated sludge systems and MBR systems is the use of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR), which allows for the separation of microorganisms from the treated effluent. MBRs have become increasingly popular in recent years because they can produce high-quality effluent while minimizing environmental impact.

Why MBR Membrane is the Future of Wastewater Treatment III
How MBR membrane Works?

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is the Future of Wastewater Treatment

In wastewater treatment, membrane bioreactors (MBRs) have begun to replace activated sludge systems for a number of reasons. MBRs are more efficient because they use less energy and can handle higher BOD loads. Additionally, MBRs produce less sludge and can be operated at a higher pH without compromising performance. Finally, MBRs can easily be adapted to accommodate fluctuations in flow and loading, making them an attractive option for municipalities with changing needs.

How MBR membrane Works?

Advantages of MBR Membrane

MBR membrane technology is widely considered to be the best wastewater treatment option available. This is because MBR offers a number of advantages over other methods, including:

  1. Increased removal efficiency – MBR systems can achieve much higher removal efficiencies than traditional sewage treatment plants, making them ideal for use in areas with strict environmental regulations.
  2. Reduced footprint – MBR systems are much smaller than traditional sewage treatment plants, making them perfect for use in tight spaces or where land is limited.
  3. Smaller footprint – MBR systems take up less space than conventional wastewater Treatment facilities, making them ideal for use in densely populated areas or for small operations.
  4. Reduced sludge production – The separation process of an MBR removes more organics from sewage than a conventional activated sludge process, resulting in up to a 50% reduction in sludge production.
  5. Improved effluent quality – The finer filtration produced by an MBR can mean higher quality effluent water that can be discharged without secondary treatment or used for irrigation and other purposes.
Advantages of MBR Membrane


This article has explored the benefits of membrane-based wastewater treatment, specifically MBR membrane technology. MBR membrane systems are more efficient and require less space than traditional wastewater treatment systems. They are also more environmentally friendly, as they use less energy and produce fewer pollutants. For these reasons, MBR membrane technology is the future of wastewater treatment.

Kevin Chen

Kevin Chen

Hi, I'm the author of this post and have been in this field for over 5 years. If you have questions regarding the MBR membrane products or want to purchase the MBR membrane, please feel free to contact me by email. kevin@spertasystems.com

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MBR Offline Cleaning I

How to Do Offline Chemical Cleaning For MBR Membranes

Step 1: Remove the suction tube and the aeration tube from the MBR module. Then take the MBR module out of the tank. 

Step 2: Use a nozzle to clean and remove the activated sludge attached to the surface of the fibers.

Step 3: Take the MBR elements out of the module and immerse the elements in a prescribed chemical solution tank. Stay for 6-12 hours.

Step 4: Take out the MBR element from the immersion cleaning tank and wash it thoroughly with water to remove the chemical solution.

Step 5: Install the MBR on the MBR module after cleaning.

Step 6: Connect the aeration pipe and put the module in the tank. Stop the filtration, just let the aeration run for more than 30 minutes, and then start the filtration.

Step 7: Before discharging the chemical solution, reduce the sodium hypochlorite with sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3 NH2O), and then discharge.

Step 8: If there is a large amount of inorganic scale on the surface of the MBR after sodium hypochlorite washing, acid washing is also needed.

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What is Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) and How is it Calculated?

Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) is a term used in water treatment processes, referring to the average time that wastewater remains in a reactor, essentially the average reaction time between the wastewater and the microorganisms in the biological reactor.

What is the Operation Pressure of MBR membrane

What is the Operation Pressure of the MBR Membrane?

The operation pressure of an MBR membrane typically falls within the range of -0.01 to 0.03 MPa. In terms of bar, this translates to approximately -0.1 to 0.3 bar. This pressure range ensures that water is effectively pushed through the membrane, allowing contaminants to be filtered and producing clean water.

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Total Phosphorus (TP) Exceedance – Causes and Solutions

Denitrification and phosphorus removal processes are increasingly common in wastewater treatment. However, exceeding Total Phosphorus (TP) levels in the treated water often brings challenges during operational practice.

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